Becoming a wizard and other goals for 2019

by - januari 10, 2019

There are two things i love in my life, books and lists!

And as is common for this time of year, it’s time to talk about goals! I admit I actually really struggle to write goals because PRESSURE. But this year It was actually pretty easy. It must had been some kind of magic but that okay.

  • Read 90 books. For the first time in like 4 years I decided to set a bigger reading goal. Normally I would go for 80 books but let just be crazy this year! AM I RIGHT?
  • Participate in a read a thon. And succeed please!? I always wanted to participate in one but I’m always scared because I’m afraid I will fail.
  • Listen to 12 audiobooks. I love audiobooks! I REALLY DO! But for some weird reason I haven’t listen a lot of audiobooks in 2018. So let’s change that.
  • Reread harry potter. I am nothing if not PREDICTABLE. It’s just a tradition, okay.
  • Read more big books. I have a lot of big books on my TBR… and this year I just want to read them. Because I LOVE BIG BOOKS AND I CANNOT LIE! Hehe I had to say it I’m sorry.
  • Write more reviews. Since I started this blog I realized that I really love writing reviews so why not write more of them?
  • Reread 12 books. I’m actually addicted to this rereading thing but this will be a challenge!
  • Finish reading 10 series. How do you mean ambitious? No but really I NEED TO FINISH READING SOME SERIES. It is getting out of hand.
  • Read poetry books. In 2018 I read my first poetry book and I fell in love. So in 2019 I want to read more of them.
  • Read a classic. Me being a bookworm should have read a classic by now… well I HAVE NOT.. so in 2019 I want to read at least 1 classic.
  • Unhaul some books. You read it right! I want to unhaul some books this year. Why? Well I have a lot of books on my shelves that for example I have not finished reading. What is the reason to keep them if I hated it? And might need some space…
  • Becoming a wizard. This does not need a explanation. 

Beside those reading goals i'm also going to start a little project. i was looking at my shelfs the other day and i have to admit they are FULL. so i came up with a idea i'm goig to reread every book that i did not finish this year and if i stll don't like them i am going to get rid of them. YOU READ THAT RIGHT i am getting rid of some books in 2019.

 I will keep you guys updated by every wrap up.

What are your 2019 goals??!
How many books are you planning to read?

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