Decisions a bookworm has to make

by - december 11, 2018

Being a bookworm is hard…
Bookworms face a ton of struggles as we all know. But do you realize just how many decisions we’re forced to make ALL THE TIME as well?!? So much. So many. Today I’m going to hit you with a small list of all the decisions we have to make.

1. What book to buy next or do you borrow it from the library?!? SO MUCH TO CHOOSE FROM

2. what edition do you buy? Hardcover, paperback or maybe a audiobook?!? And with that comes what cover edition do you want.. THE STRUGGLE!

3. The horror of choosing what to read next… SO MANY BOOKS!

4. What star rating are you going to give it? Are you going to review it?

5. the hardest question of them all… WHERE DOES IT FIT ON YOUR SHELVES?!?

6. Are you going to reread the book? Or is it a onetime read?

Let me know in the comments what you think is the hardest decision to make.    

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