Annotating my books
For as long as I can remember I always had that mind set of a book has to
stay perfect. Using sticky notes or even write in books was a crime in my mind.
But lately I saw a lot of people annotating their books, And I thought to myself; my, how gorgeous do they look! It’s obvious the
person who’s read it must have obviously enjoyed it! And it also seemed so
handy for writing reviews. And in that moment I thought why can’t I do it? A
book doesn’t have to stay perfect, a book should look like it has been read!
So I annotate my books now.
Okay, hang on, before you get all “OMG monster!! Satan!!!! I bet you dog
ear your pages, too!!!”, let’s take a deep breath and calm down.
Let me explain.
First of all I do not dog ear my pages! ( I did do it when I was younger
tho..) I hate doing it and since I have lots of bookmarks I do not see the
point. Also I do not write in my books. But I do have a notebook where I write
my thoughts of the books I am reading.
Writing in a book can be very useful but since there isn’t a lot of space
to write I use sticky notes and just stick them in the page.( I just can’t seem
to write small haha)
Like I mentioned earlier I use a note book to get my thoughts out. In there
I write things like quotes that really got me or I write something like the
story is going slow. This really helps me with writing reviews. I just have to
grab my note book and I can start typing.
Beside the note book I also use tabs. Every tab color means something:
Pink = something that love
Yellow = something funny or something
that made me laugh/smile
Blue = something sad
Green = something that got me by surprise or something I don’t know how to
feel about
Orange = Quotes
Do I annotate my books in an extreme way? No. But I like doing it.
In the past I could get so paranoid if something happened to my book. I
could be sad and angry about it all day. And now that I think of it, it’s all a
little extreme. I love books, and I have fun when I read, but it’s not fun
being so paranoid about my books not being perfect that I get nervous bringing
them places.
I am very happy that I made this decision! I really enjoy reading more now.
And with that being said, it’s time to find a cozy spot and read!
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