top 5 favorite fantasy book series

by - oktober 22, 2018

It occurs to me that I absolutely do not highlight my favorite books enough.

And since 90% of the books that i read are fantasy, i thought it would be perfect to make a top 5 favorite fantasy book series.

I have been reading fantasy books for as long as I can remember. I remember that when I started reading it felt like I could escape the real world ( I know it might sound kind of lame…). And since then I just couldn’t stop reading them!

The books are in random order.

So here we go!

1. Eon by Alison Goodman 

This series actually got me by surprise. I heard about it once and I was like yeah it sounds interesting, so I read it and it was amazing!

For years, 16-year-old Eon has been training to be a Dragoneye apprentice, a coveted position in which the student serves as the conduit between energy dragons and the human world. Eon's whole way of life is cloaked in secrecy and danger, however, because Eon is actually Eona--a girl forced by necessity to live her life as a boy. If her secret were discovered, her life would be danger, as well as the lives of those around her. To make impossible odds even more impossible, Eona is also crippled, so the deck is very much stacked against her. But on the day the apprentices are chosen, it is revealed that Eona has the unusual ability of seeing all the energy dragons, not just one--and she is chosen by the powerful Mirror Dragon, a being that has not been seen in hundreds of years. 

2. A court of thorns and roses by Sarah J Maas

Do I even need to explain this one? I mean come on Rhysand?!?!

Feyre is a human girl who, after unwittingly killing a faerie, must pay the ultimate price. A man-beast soon appears on her doorstep, demanding that she accompany him to his faerie homeland—where she'll live with him forever as payment for slaying one of his own. This is an issue because A) the human-faerie conflict is steadily intensifying, and B) Feyre is the caregiver to her destitute father and two bratty sisters. What will happen to her once she’s in enemy territory? What will happen to her family?

3. Chaos walking by Patrick Ness

Todd Hewitt is about to become a man. He was told that there are no woman, because they were all killed off. One day, when he's out with his dog, Manchee, he finds a spot where there is no noise. Surely, he thinks, this is impossible. Soon he is confused further, when his parents tell him he must leave his town, Prentisstown, and venture to a new town. He never thought other towns existed.

4. Harry Potter by J.K Rowling

This also needs no explanation and probably I also do not need to explain what it is about right?

5. Study by Maria V. Snyder 

Yelena is waiting to be executed and she's made peace with that, but then the Commander's right hand (who also happens to be an assassin) approaches her with an offer; she can either be executed as planned or she can become the Commander's new food taster. Yelena naturally picks the latest and she's introduced into a world of politics, schemings and poisons, and she eventually has to face her worst nightmares and find the strength to confront them.

I probably have more favorites but I did not include them because I have not finished them yet (oops). I might make another post about series I keep saying I will finish.

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