How i rate my books

by - oktober 26, 2018

So for today I have the long awaited post How I rate my books! Okay maybe not really the awaited post.. but I thought it would be fun to share it with you guys!

A lot of people rate books differently. For some people, 3 stars is pretty good, but for other it is rather poor. Some reviewers give out 5 stars more readily than others. I have made a rating scale for myself.

My rating scale:
3 Stars = I really enjoyed this book, but it just didn't blow me away.
2 Stars = This book was pretty bad.
1 Stars = I actually don't give out 1 stars, but when i do it is probably because I did not finish the book.

I have to say that I’m not very fast disappointed in a book so I give a lot of books 4 or 5 stars. However this year (2018) I decided to be a little bit more critical with my ratings. This is because I found that when I wanted to write a review I suddenly had a few things that I didn’t like. Because of this the rating wasn’t right anymore.

I give a book 3 stars when I’m not really sure how to feel about the book. This is beginning to happen a lot more than it used to. I think that this has to do with the fact that I have read a lot more books. And there for not every story is unique anymore.

Next the 2 star rating. This does not happen a lot. But sometimes it does. These are you just the books that really did not enjoy and had a hard time finishing it.

Following up on that we have the 1 star books. As you can read in my rating scale it is most likely that I did not finish the book. In the past I just couldn’t DNF a book! But lately I decided that if I “hate” a book I will just put it down. Most of the times if I keep reading those books it will get me in a reading slump.

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