How to read more

by - november 15, 2018

One of the most horrible things of the bookworm life is finding enough time to read.
Believe it or not even I have this problem! But as it is my duty to help you survive this bookish world. So I am  listing 5 tips on how to read more and help you to get that TBR down!

1. always have a book with you

I’m aware of the fact that you probably here this a lot, but it really helps! Maybe you have to wait for an appointment or maybe you bus is late. Those little moments do really count. Before you know it you have read 50 pages more because of this.

2. listen to audiobooks

When I had to walk to my internship I always listen to an audiobook. And then suddenly I had read an extra book a month. Also when you have to clean the house or your room just put an audiobook on. This also makes it a little bit more fun.

3. watch less Netflix

You heard me right NO MORE NETFLIX. Yes you could watch Netflix every night or instead you could read. This also brings me to my next tip.

4. make it a priority

I do realize that people can be busy! But don’t think about it like it is just a book. NO YOU SHOULD DO WHAT YOU ENJOY!! And if that is reading than make time for it! You could also stop doing anything and only read for the rest of your life but that is your choice.

5. spend less time online

The moments that you scroll brainless on Instagram you could also be reading! And I’m not saying that you shouldn’t spend any time online but just see if you can trim it a little bit back. I mean those photos of books won’t help you TBR. AM I RIGHT?

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