Top 5 series i keep saying i'll finish

by - november 11, 2018

Here is the thing; I LOVE SERIES, but I’m terrible at completing them.

Don’t get me wrong I love reading series but waiting for the next book to come out is just a hell! I swear it’s some kind of (dark) magic. Because every time I have to wait for the next book I suddenly have started like 10 other series. And you quested it right I have to wait for the next book for them as well.

The result of this? I have to many series that are not complete… maybe it’s a smart Idea to make this a goal for next year?

So today I’m going to list 5 series I love but am also STUCK in the middle of and so I keep saying “OH YEAH I’LL FINISH THAT SOON”  which is probably a lie..

I promise I will get to them soon. Oh look more lies!

1. lunar chronicles

Now for this one I actually read almost all the books just not stars Above. Why? To be very honest I have no clue. I really loved the story but somehow that last book is some kind f struggle.


I read the first book in like 2015 or 2016? I can’t really remember. I do remember loving it but for some magical reason I don’t get the rest of the series. I do plan on rereading the first book in 2019. I hope that this way I can be hyped about it again and finally buy the rest of the series.

3. Throne of glass

This might come to a surprise to you. I am  a HUGE Sarah J Maas fan. But the reason that I haven’t finished this is series is very simple. THE BOOK ARE BLOODY HELL EXPENSIVE!. And don’t get me wrong I don’t mind paying for a book but even I have limits.

4. The bone season

I have kind of a love and hate relationship with  this series. One moment I am totally obsessed with them and then the next minute I hate it. I know i have to get my shit together.

5.The name of the wind

OMG I loved The name of the wind! But let’s be real these books are HUGEEEEE. So I guess that I don’t need to explain why I haven’t bought  them yet. But one day I will find  the strength to complete this series. I KNOW I WILL.

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