New to the TBR pile November

by - november 28, 2018

Remember what i said last month? That I was going on a book buying ban? Well I FAILED pretty hard you can say. I just couldn’t control myself and bought  11 books. It’s not as bad as last month but still.. I WASN’T SUPPOSED TO BUY ANY BOOKS.

Enjoy the list of the books I bought this month while I sit in a corner and feel ashamed of myself.

·         Carry on
·         The hero of the fall
·         This savage song
·         A torch against the night
·         Stalking jack the ripper
·         An enchantment of ravens
·         The necromancer
·         Between the blade and the heart
·         The girl of fire and thorns
·         A shadow bright and burning
·         Harry potter illustrated edition

Did you get any new books this month?

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